Science is an area of study that most children struggle with. It is understandable why when you consider that it takes real, genuine intellect to comprehend difficult scientific concepts; without extensive research, revision, and practice even the most intelligent child cannot grasp the simplest of scientific ideas.

If your child has a science exam coming up then you will want them to succeed for obvious reasons. Failure in even one subject can ruin their chances of getting into a good college. For this reason, this post will tell you what you can do to help your child become a boffin about all things science.

Mail-Order Science Kits

One of the easiest ways of teaching your child about science at home is to buy them mail-order science kits. As many students are now studying from home, mail-order science kits give them the opportunity to conduct physical experiments without going to class. You can have science experiments delivered to your home in under a week. There are many different ones to choose from so whatever your child’s interested in you can give them access to the experiments they need.

Some science experiments are dangerous and should not be conducted unsupervised. Many will also need to be performed in ventilated spaces. Do not give your child access to mail-order science kits in their bedroom; rather, supervise them and perform the experiments outdoors. Make sure that they record their interactions with the chemicals and kits they use so that they can apply their knowledge to examinations. While science kits can be a lot of fun they are of course an important learning resource and should be treated as such.

Digital Learning Guides

Most children have access to the internet today. If yours does, get them to use digital learning guides. When out of class digital learning guides can be an effective way of teaching your child about important concepts and aspects relative to their classes. Do not think your child will willingly engage with these guides. In order to get them to use them you will probably have to sit behind them, supervising them. If your child is underperforming in science then it is likely because it is a subject they have no interest in. If they have no interest in science leaving them alone on a computer to read guides won’t work.

The biggest advantage of digital learning guides is that you can find ones specifically designed for your child’s current class curriculum. As all schools follow a set curriculum, educators publish helpful revision materials and learning resources on the internet. Digital learning guides are more often than not free which makes them a great solution for young people struggling to revise. You may have to subscribe but payment is likely not necessary. There are lots of different guide sites you can choose from, from government-backed ones to independents.

Free Educational Games

One of the best ways to encourage a child otherwise disinterested in science to engage with their course material is to offer them free games. Instead of sitting your child down on a computer and forcing them to read through hours of revision material, you could download a game relevant to the area of science they are studying, i.e., physics or biology, and get them to play it. Games should not make up the main body of your child’s scientific research, however. They should instead just be another way to get them to revise and must be used in combination with guides and the other things listed here so far.

While the vast majority of online guide sites are free to access, games tend not to be. A lot of work has to go into creating scientific games which means developers want to be paid for their time. You may be able to download older games for free, however; it is only really new ones that come with a price tag. Ensure the game you are buying or downloading for your child is relevant to their studies and has positive reviews. An educational game’s reviews can tell you a lot about it.

Buying College Textbooks

No matter how old your child is buying them college textbooks can be an extremely effective way of teaching them everything they need to know to reach the top of their class. College textbooks are widely available on digital e-commerce sites as the vast majority of students sell theirs when they leave. Every year, new additions are made to textbooks making older ones redundant. As such you can get a very good deal on a scientific textbook for your child. Using college textbooks can help increase their knowledge of science and make them more likely to achieve success.

However, college textbooks can be hard for young people to understand sometimes. They are written for teenagers and adults after all. If your child isn’t able to interpret the information taught in their textbook then sit down and work through it with them. Working through the information in the book with them will help increase their chances of successfully absorbing it. If your child has any questions or problems you can’t answer yourself then refer back to the internet. A simple search should be sufficient for answering your child’s queries and concerns; alternatively, you can ask their personal tutor at school for support.

Consistent, Diligent Efforts

Your child isn’t the only one that needs to work hard; you do too. If you want your child to succeed academically then they need your support. It is fundamental to their success that you are there by their side giving them the support that they need. Making consistent, diligent efforts to support them will increase their chances of academic success. If they have any problems or difficulties make sure they feel comfortable coming to you and asking. Be gentle, kind, and understanding. Working through their problems with them will increase your bond and make them feel more comfortable coming to you for help. Do not shout at them, push them or say anything that could make them feel bad about themselves. Such behaviour will destroy your relationship with them and put them off of science.

Helping your child achieve academic success is your duty as a parent. Until you understand how instrumental you are in their performance at school or college you will never make a meaningful impact in their educational career. Take the advice given here to further your child’s studies in and understanding of science.