If you are a betta fish owner and your female betta fish have laid eggs, you might have the question: what do I do with my betta eggs? Betta eggs are delicate and require proper care and attention to hatch into healthy fry. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about unfertilized betta eggs, from the breeding process to taking care of the eggs and the fry. read our article about how to tell if betta eggs are fertilized?

Breeding Betta Fish

For fish hobbyists, raising betta bubble nest with eggs can be a wonderful experience. But it is crucial to understand the right breeding procedures and how to care for the eggs and fry. Make sure you have a healthy breeding pair of betta fish before breeding them. This consists of a male and female betta fish that are healthy and have been prepared for reproduction.

Introduce a healthy breeding pair to one another in a breeding tank after you have one. Around 80 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit should be the betta eggs on bottom of tank temperature, and it should be filled with warm, clean water. The female betta will lay her eggs within the bubble nest, which the male betta will begin to construct at the surface of the water.

Recognizing When Your Betta is Ready to Breed

The first step in what do I do with my betta eggs? Betta breeding is recognizing when your fish is ready to breed. Female Bettas will typically start to display vertical stripes on their bodies when they’re ready to lay eggs. Male Bettas will begin to build bubble nests, which they use to keep the eggs and fry safe.

If you notice these behaviors in your fish, it time to start preparing for breeding. Conditioning your fish with a high-protein diet and regular water changes can help them be in the best possible health for breeding. Read our full article about how to tell if betta eggs are fertilized?

What Do I Do With My Betta Eggs

What Do I Do With My Betta Eggs

Once your fish have successfully bred, the female will lay eggs, which will stick to the bubble nest that the male has built. At this point. It is essential to remove the female from the betta eggs on bottom of tank to prevent her from eating the eggs. Read our article about betta fish behavior before death.

The male Betta will continue to care for the eggs, keeping them safe and making sure they receive enough oxygen. It crucial to keep the water temperature and quality consistent during this time to ensure the eggs develop correctly. You should also be aware of how to take care of unfertilized betta eggs?

Taking Care of Betta Eggs

It is serious to remove the female betta from the breeding tank as soon as she has laid eggs. After mating, pregnant female betta fish exhibit unfriendly behavior against the male and the eggs.

By constructing and bubble nest keeping the eggs within the male betta will care for them. The breeding tank must be kept at a constant temperature and with clean water during this period.

The eggs will can betta eggs hatch on the floor in about two to three days, and the fry will start swimming freely after around five days. It is essential to feed the fry with small amounts of infusoria or other small foods suitable for their size.

Caring for Betta Fry

After you get to know about what do I do with my betta eggs? next you have to take care of it. After the betta fry have hatched, it is important to provide them with proper care to ensure their survival and growth. Here are some tips for taking care of betta fry:

What Do I Do With My Betta Eggs


Betta fry are very small and require frequent feeding with small amounts of food. Initially, they can be fed with infusoria or freshly hatched brine shrimp. As they grow, you can gradually introduce small amounts of crushed flakes or pellets that are specially formulated for betta fry.

Water Conditions

Betta fry are very sensitive to changes in water conditions. Keep the water clean by performing frequent water changes, but be careful not to disturb the bubble nest or the fry. Use a small siphon tube or a turkey baster to remove any uneaten food or debris. Read more about what do betta fish eggs look like


Maintain a stable temperature of around 80-82 degrees Fahrenheit in the breeding tank. You can use a small heater to regulate the temperature, but make sure to monitor it closely to avoid overheating or sudden temperature changes.


As the betta fry grow, they will become more active and start to show signs of aggression towards each other. It is important to separate them into individual containers or small tanks to prevent them from injuring each other.

Gradual Acclimation

When the betta fry is large enough and ready to be introduced into a larger tank, it is essential to acclimate them gradually to avoid shock or stress. Start by introducing them to a small container with water from the main tank and gradually increase the amount of water and time they spend in the main tank.


What do you do with betta eggs?

Betta eggs should be carefully removed from the breeding tank and placed into a separate tank or container with clean and conditioned water.

Who takes care of betta eggs?

The male betta fish usually takes care of the eggs by guarding and fanning them to prevent fungal growth and ensure proper oxygenation.

How long does it take for betta eggs to hatch?

Eggs usually take around 24-36 hours to hatch. It depends on the water temperature and other environmental factors.

What to do after female betta lay eggs?

She needs to be taken out of the breeding tank so that she can’t consume the eggs or hurt the male betta. After that, the male should be left alone to take care of the eggs and fry until they can swim and feed themselves.


At the end of article What Do I Do With My Betta Eggs? The conclusion is betta eggs breeding and care require correct procedures and close attention to detail. If you keep betta fish, it is important to know when they’re ready to breed and to make sure you have a healthy breeding pair. Once your fish have bred, crucial to remove the female and take good care of the eggs. And also fry by providing the right nutrition, maintaining clean water and controlling the temperature. Can betta eggs hatch on the floor? and into healthy fry that will develop into stunning and vivid adult fish with the proper care and attention.