In an aquarium, how long do goldfish live? With the right maintenance and attention, carnival goldfish can live quite a long time. 43 years were lived by the oldest goldfish. Even while your goldfish might not live as long as this, if you use the advice in this article, your fish will live a long and fulfilling life.

How long can a Carnival fish live?

The lifespan of a carnival goldfish is five to ten years. However, how long they live relies on their surroundings and the level of care you give. Knowing that your goldfish can survive for 20 years with proper care should be helpful.

Why Do Carnival Usually Die Quickly?

Carnival fish typically pass away quickly as a result of abuse and neglect. These carnival-winning goldfish perish shortly after being brought home. This occurs because the fish are already sick, frail, and underweight as a result of the subpar conditions in which they are maintained before being given as prizes.

How can you keep a Carnival Goldfish alive?

My kids want to play carnival games where they can win a goldfish every year, even though there have been a few fish funerals. Never can we store the items for longer than a week or two. How can I assist my kids keep their carnival goldfish alive, please, for the sake of our family’s sanity?

Make sure your fish don’t share a bed with other fish

Baseball, hot weather, kids being off from school, carnivals, and fairs are all signs that summer is almost here. Your children will undoubtedly insist on playing the game where they can win a live goldfish in a bag, jar, or Tupperware container, and they will undoubtedly insist on playing it.

Naturally, eventually, three days after bringing home your child’s new best buddy, he fails, leaving your youngster heartbroken, and you find yourself humming “Taps” as you dump Nemo down the toilet.

The pleasures of motherhood, ahh.

However, there is a way to ensure that your child’s fishy companion remains with them for a longer period of time.

carnival goldfish

The care and feeding of Carnival Goldfish

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s move on. carnival goldfish growth, also known as Carassius auratus, don’t have to pass away right away. A goldfish with proper care can survive for ten years or longer. The goldfish’s reputation for passing away quickly is nearly entirely a result of inadequate care. In fact, if you only follow a few simple maintenance procedures, this branch of the carp family is usually a relatively resilient fish.

Take it easy on the drive home, first. Don’t shake, bang, or otherwise jar the container containing your new fishy friend. Also, use the brakes gently. Stress and a possible immune system breakdown brought on by the vibrations communicated to the fish make them more vulnerable to illness.

If it’s Saturday night at 11:30 and you can’t get to the pet store until the next morning, don’t worry; he’ll be fine in his tiny bag. Don’t wait until Wednesday, though. Many people also make the error of placing their brand-new pet’s tank straight out of the package. Given that the temperatures of the two bodies of water are typically different, this further shocks and stresses the fish.

Place the fish in the tank while it is still in the bag and wait for the temperature to stabilize before releasing him. What degree of warmth should the water have? Ideally between 68 and 72 F. Although they can endure temperatures as low as 50F and as high as 85F, neither you nor your fish would like spending the entire day in those conditions.

Your Carnival Goldfish New home

Let’s discuss tanks. Tank, we added. Not that old milk jug, not that jar, nor that vase.

Although the carnival goldfish bowl is a symbol of American society, your little fish companion is not in the best conditions there. Placing your new goldfish in a bowl is like placing him in a coffin because there is insufficient water and no way to filter it. Don’t do it at all. You’ll need an aquarium that can hold at least two to five gallons for a single fish, while some experts advise 10 gallons per fish.

You’ll need a filtering system because goldfish have a tendency to produce a lot of waste, especially ammonia (which is poisonous to them). Get a blower as well. Typically, kits with everything completed for you are available.

Additionally, goldfish are bouncy little creatures, so think about getting an aquarium with a cover or a net to prevent them from jumping out and becoming cat food.

To keep a Carnival Goldfish alive

You don’t need to take him outside to accomplish this; simply scoop out and replenish 10% of the water each week, even with the filter.

In relation to that filter, make sure to clean it once a week. Regularly remove the gravel from the tank’s bottom, and every few weeks, place your pet in a cup or bowl while you drain the water and scrub the tank with baking soda. Rinse the tank well before refilling it with water.

Fish should be fed once a day. Avoid overeating. Goldfish stop eating when there is nothing left to eat, not when they are full. As a general guideline, don’t give them more food than they can consume in two minutes.

Also think about buying your goldfish a friend—another goldfish. They are friendly little fish with big eyes who would benefit greatly from having a friend or two. Likely like goldfish, you don’t like spending the entire day at work or home by yourself.


I get that this seems like a lot of work to put into caring for a carnival goldfish you won at a fair for a dollar’s worth of ping pong balls, but consider this: if you adopt a cat from the humane society, do you not purchase a litter box, scratching post, toys, food, make sure it’s spayed/neutered, make sure it has current vaccinations, and so on? You do, of course.

Well, a fish is still a pet even though it isn’t a soft, hairy creature. They still need to be fed and cared for, maybe just in a different way than you are used to. However, after a few weeks, the practice becomes as simple as cleaning the cat’s litter box and grooming it. Learn how to keep a carnival goldfish alive in your aquarium. Discover their lifespan, common reasons for early death, and essential care tips for a thriving fish companion.