Oscar fish, often known as velvet cichlids or cichlids, are a popular tropical species among people who keep aquarium fish. They are stunning, and it is fun to watch them swim.

However, you must be aware of its fundamental maintenance needs and tank specifications before bringing one home. Try to keep these fish alone or in a separate tank as they are renowned for being aggressive toward other fish.

This is the fundamental justification for why seasoned fish keepers are best prepared to care for these fish. The original Oscars only had three categories: red, tiger, and albino. But thanks to years of inbreeding, Veil Tail Oscar, Blue, Green, White, and Black Oscar are now common.

They come in many different types and are a very diverse group of fish. Find out more about the 15 renowned Oscar species that could make your freshwater tank more colorful.

1. Albino Oscar

From their name, you might assume that Albino Oscars are white. Their velvety surface is covered in gleaming white scales. This type belongs to the Oscar fish parent group. In the lower portion of their bellies, you might notice tightly packed orange or scarlet crystal structures, which show that some species are not entirely white in color.

Each fish exhibits these patterns in a different variety and degree. Contrary to popular assumption, not all species of albinos would have a similar pattern on their bodies.

The lack of melanin in their tissues is what gives them their white color. Other pigment molecules, such as those created by the body such as xanthophores, which offer golden colours like goldfish, and carotene, which gives brilliant red and crimson shades, appear to be unaffected by albinism. It explains how Albino Oscar species can retain their orangish and crimson overtones despite not having the deeper hue of their bodies.

2. Wild Oscar Fish

Wild Oscars were created to seem exactly like their original wild-like appearance, rather than trying to change the limbs, markings, or colors. Their entire body is covered in spots of deep charcoal and black. As a species ages, it will gradually change how it looks.

The markings of wild-type Oscars are frequently compared to the black and charcoal of military uniforms. It functions as protective equipment to help them conceal from human hunters and assailants that want to kill them.

They have black dots surrounding reddish-brown patches on the tips of their feathers. The distinctive characteristic that mimics an eye and may fool assailants is known as eyespots. These animals are referred to as “river dogs” because they could grow emotionally attached to those who look after them.

3. Tiger Oscar Fish

The Tiger Oscar is one of the most well-known variations. The tiger-like stripes on its skin allowed scientists to identify this extraordinary species. They have irregular markings that resemble those on the wild Oscar. These species don’t, however, have a blend of charcoal and black, but rather enormous, oddly formed, intense red dots.

Each fish has a different amount of red on its body. Some species might have a red tint that almost entirely permeates them, while others might only have a tiny red area. Tigers have a propensity for digging, just like other Oscar species, and they could ruin your plantation. Planting your vegetation in containers will help you avoid this. These species resemble lava rocks that are swimming in your home tank due to their exquisite patterns.

Oscar Fish

4. Lemon Oscar Fish

This type has a light yellow tinge over a delicate white body, as its name would imply. Due to the relatively little yellow color of some fish, they are frequently mistaken for White or Albino oscar species.

On their bellies, many species are said to have distinct yellow markings, although others have more subdued yellow markings. Among the many additional crossbred varieties are lemon oscar fish.

Additionally, compared to other Cichlid species, these species have low to moderate territorial tendencies. But don’t be fooled by it. Other species that fit in their large mouths can be easily swallowed by them. Instead of depositing several eggs at once, they have a small family and are simple to breed.

5. Albino Red Oscar

A broad spectrum of albino red Oscar appears to exist. Some of them are uniformly bright orange, like a creamsicle. No other marine animal has a fascinating orange colour like this one. Some have reddish-orange spots on the flanks of their spine and a white face.

Therefore, every fish is unquestionably the deciding factor. When buying an Oscar from a pet store, it can often be difficult to predict what it will look like when it is an adult. Age may have a considerable effect on the color structure of an Oscar. Their color may be extremely uneven while they are young, but as they grow larger, it becomes more solid.


Oscar fish are an eye-catching addition to freshwater aquariums because of their striking colors and distinctive features. But because of their aggressiveness, they need skilled care. Numerous Oscar species, each with its own peculiar beauty, have arisen throughout the years, including the Albino, Wild, Tiger, Lemon, and Albino Red Oscars. Having knowledge of these gorgeous betta fish’s many color patterns and behaviors will deepen your appreciation of them. Discover the stunning world of Blue Oscar fish with 5 unique species and their mesmerizing colors. Dive into the vibrant aquarium life!