While discovering do turtles have tongues, discover the diverse types of reptiles that use their tongues for diverse purposes. It is used by some species, like snakes, as a sensory organ, by others, like frogs, to catch their prey, and by still others, like cats, to groom themselves. Animals utilize their tongues extensively for chewing, swallowing, and sucking.

It carries taste buds and speech in humans. In humans, the front tips and margins of the tongue frequently touch the teeth, facilitating speech and swallowing. Does this also apply to reptiles? Snakes use their tongues to gather chemicals from the ground or air, whereas reptiles like chameleons flick their long tongues to catch the insects.

You must be wondering whether turtles have tongues or not, and if they do, whether, like other reptiles, they utilize them to catch prey or if they have any other uses for them. Read on to find out the answers.

Do Turtles Have Tongues?

Turtles do really have tongues. Turtles use their tongues to breathe, feed, and to attract prey. Due to its fixed position inside their skull and restricted movements, it typically isn’t visible.

Turtles of various species use their tongues for a variety of purposes. Turtles have tongues, both aquatic and terrestrial turtles. Turtles vary from other reptiles in several respects, including the fact that they utilize their tongues for breathing in addition to chewing. Let’s delve into more detail to comprehend the fundamental purposes of the sea turtle tongue.

What does a turtle’s tongue do?

The functions of a turtle’s tongue are listed below.

1. Breathing

Do turtles have tongues? Obviously yes, A turtle uses his tongue for breathing. How a turtle can breathe with its tongue must be a mystery to you. They do, indeed! Not all species, though. Few turtle species have the ability to breathe through their tongue.

Cloacal bursae are present in some species of turtle. They have a collection of chambers at the back of their bodies in this area. They take in water while expelling oxygen. This enables the turtle to spend more time submerged. Because of this, the turtle can stay in the water for up to eight hours at a time.

The common Musk turtle of North America and other turtles without cloacal bursae have specific tongue buds that allow them to breathe underwater. They are known as papillae. “Stinkpot turtles” is another name for common musk turtles. Even though they lack cloacal bursae, these turtles may submerge themselves for months at a time by utilizing their tongues.

Some turtle species’ cloacal bursae allow them to spend a few hours submerged, whereas turtles that can breathe underwater cannot.

2. Consuming food

Have you ever wondered do turtles have tongues and how turtles chew or swallow food given that they lack teeth? Well, the majority of turtles perform this task with their tongue. To chew and swallow their food, turtles utilize their tongues. Because it’s challenging for them to chew food on dry land, their tongue is perfectly suited to eating underwater.

If you own a turtle, you’ve probably noticed that it eats better underwater than it does on shore. However, depending totally on the species of turtle, some do not utilize their tongues to consume food.

3. Turtles Have Tongues (Appeal to prey)

You must be wondering how a turtle uses its tongue to entice its prey. This procedure is known as lingual luring. Some turtles, snakes, and other reptiles prefer to use aggressive mimicry.

They achieve this by using their tongues. They extended out their tongues, which resembled a wiggly worm that fish are drawn to easily, and the turtles consume the fish as it approaches their mouth.

The alligator snapping turtle is the type of turtle that accomplishes this. They entice a variety of prey into their mouths using their tongue.

What further information is there concerning the turtle’s tongue?

While you were wondering about do turtles have tongues? Here we also covered some interesting facts. Some turtle species also utilize their tongues for smell in addition to breathing, feeding, and attracting their prey. Some turtle species have movable tissue under their tongues that may detect smells. But in order for this to occur, they need to swish their tongues to move it in the desired location.

The turtle’s fixed tongue no longer moves because it is attached to the skull. Crocodiles are the other reptiles with such restrictions. The turtle with tongue out resembles that of birds in that it has a pair of beaks that it uses to catch its prey.

The turtle needs its tongue to help transport its food and help them swallow it because they don’t have teeth. They smash the prey against the roof of their mouth with their tongue to kill it. The digestive systems of clams, crayfish, and crustaceans need assistance because many turtles are carnivores.


Do turtles have tongues? Turtles only have a restricted range of motion since their tongue is attached to their skull. For breathing, luring their prey underwater, and eating, turtles use their tongues. Depending on the species, its tongue serves a different purpose. The tongue is a component of turtles on land and in water. 

Due to the lack of teeth, turtles must chew and swallow their food using their tongue. The tongue is another tool the turtles use to detect food. Some turtle species have cloacal bursae, which enable them to submerge themselves for prolonged periods of time.

However, since turtles like musk turtles lack cloacal bursae, they must breathe through their tongue buds in order to stay submerged for extended periods of time. The large tongue of the alligator snapping turtle is used to lure prey. Discover the fascinating world of sea turtle tongues! Learn how they breathe, eat, and lure prey with their tongues. Do Turtles Have Tongues? Find out in 2023.