Have you ever noticed betta bubble nest with eggs a group of bubbles floating on the water’s surface in a betta tank? A bubble nest is that collection of bubbles. A betta fish will blow these massive clouds of betta nesting bubbles as part of its spawning process. We will research further into the specifics of beta fish bubble nest in this blog post, as well as how and why they are created.

What is a bubble nest?

As was previously mentioned that a beta fish bubble nest is a collection of betta nesting bubbles produced by many fish species including gouramis and bettas. These fish inhale air bubbles from the water surface and then carefully create their nests. These fish create one bubble at a time.

Bubble nests are typically found behind a floating object, like a leaf, or against the tank walls. These items aid in maintaining the nest and prevent the bubbles from popping or splintering. When disturbed, bubble nest betta are easily broken. All or most of the bubbles could pop or disperse with just a slight water movement or wind blowing across the tank.

Betta Bubble nest with eggs

To understand how pregnant female betta fish make their bubble nest betta, we need to know that they belong to a group of fish called “Labyrinth” fish, which have an organ that allows them to breathe air from the water’s surface. Betta fish use this ability to blow bubbles using their saliva to create their nests, which they make in safe and protected spots in the tank. In the wild, they build their nests under floating debris. Betta fish need access to the water surface to survive because the environment they are from has low oxygen levels.

betta bubble nest with eggs

How to Encourage Betta Bubble Nest Building

Here are multiple ways to help your betta fish build its betta bubble nest with eggs:

  • Keep the tank clean by removing dirt and floating debris, and regularly cleaning the water’s surface.
  • Change the water regularly, but not too often that it discourages the fish from nest building.
  • Introduce a female betta fish to incentivize the male betta fish to build a nest, in addition to its natural instinct.
  • Add decorations and items that mimic the fish’s natural habitat to help the male betta fish feel more relaxed and continue its bubble nest building.
  • Ensure the filter used is on a gentle flow to avoid too much water movement that can ruin the conditions for the betta fish.
  • Maintain a water temperature between 78-82 Fahrenheit, as any more or less than this temperature can change the fish’s mood and cause it to neglect building a nest.

How Does Breeding Occur in Bettas?

To observe whether your betta fish have laid eggs and added them to their bubble nest, you must first go through the breeding process. Here are the steps:

Conditioning Your Fish for Breeding

In the wild, male betta fish will build a bubble nest to attract a female. Once the female approves of the nest, mating will begin. To spur this behavior in your fish, take extra care of them by feeding live food like daphnia, bloodworms, and brine shrimp. Also, make sure the tank is well-filtered and the temperature is warm.

Introduce The Female

Once both fish are ready, place the conditioned bubble nest with eggs into the male’s tank. Start by introducing her in a clear bag, so they can see and get used to each other. Slowly acclimate the female to the tank. Keep an eye on your bettas to prevent fighting. When they become interested, the male will do a mating dance, flaring his gills and showing off to the female.

betta bubble nest with eggs


Watch for a change in the female’s color, as she will show a striped pattern when ready to release her eggs. If you see a small salt-like spec between her ventral fins, that is her ovipositor. Add her back to the male’s tank, and she will release her eggs. The male will wrap his body around hers, squeezing the eggs out, then take them to the nest to incubate by taking them into his mouth. Sometimes the female will help. Once mating is over, move the female betta back to her own tank. Visit our article to get your answer about What Do I Do With My Betta Eggs?

Male Watching The Nest

If your male has made a bubble nest and is guarding it after mating, there are eggs in the nest. Male bettas are the primary protectors of the betta bubble nest with eggs, watching over the eggs and fighting off predators. If any egg falls from the nest, the male will take it back to the nest in his mouth.

Be careful not to disturb the male while caring for the nest, as he may eat some of the eggs when threatened.

Water changes without destroying a bubble nest?

Water changes are one of the most crucial aspects of maintaining an aquarium, especially one that contains a betta fish. In spite of this, you shouldn’t neglect routine tank upkeep in order to protect your betta’s nest. 

If you accidently destroy the betta nesting bubbles, it’s okay unless you’re trying to breed betta fish. When their hard work is disturbed, some bettas have been known to become unhappy and even flare up, but if your betta so chooses, they are capable of quickly producing additional bubbles and re-constructing the nest.

There are ways to avoid accidentally destroying the betta bubble nest with eggs, though, if you’d prefer not to interfere with your betta’s nest-building process or if you’d like some young bettas after seeing eggs in the nest. It has following two options:

  1. Utilize airline tubing

If you’re careful and stay on the other side of the tank from the bubble nest, you can easily perform slow water changes with airline tubing. The likelihood of your siphon disrupting the nest at the water’s surface will decrease with a smaller tube. You can then freely perform routine maintenance on the entire tank once the eggs hatch.

  1. Get rid of the nest

Removing the nest before performing a water change and restoring it afterward is a simple way to preserve it. You can accomplish this by scooping up the nest with a plastic cup. When you’re ready, carefully re-sink the cup to replace the nest.

Why Betta Fish Keep Their Eggs in a Bubble Nest?

Betta fish keep their eggs in a bubble nest for several reasons. Firstly, the bubble nest provides a safe and secure environment for the eggs, as it keeps them suspended near the water’s surface away from any potential predators or hazards at the bottom of the tank.

Secondly, the bubbles in the nest help to aerate the eggs and keep them oxygenated, which is crucial for their development. Betta fish are known for their ability to breathe air from the surface of the water, and the bubble nest allows the eggs to access this vital source of oxygen.

betta bubble nest with eggs

Finally, the bubble nest also plays a role in courtship and mating behavior. Male betta fish build the nest to attract female bettas and to impress them with their ability to create a secure and nurturing environment for their offspring.

Overall, the bubble nest serves as an important aspect of betta fish reproduction, providing a safe and oxygenated environment for the eggs while also playing a role in courtship and mating behavior.

Read about betta fish behavior before death here.

What do betta fish eggs look like

what do betta fish eggs look like? Are small, transparent, and have a slightly sticky texture. They can be challenging to see with the naked eye because they are typically white or off-white in color. Eggs laid by female bettas stick to the surface of the male’s nest, which is often a collection of bubbles.\

Depending on the size and wellbeing of the female betta, the quantity of eggs might range from a few dozen to several hundred. The eggs will ultimately hatch into tiny, translucent larvae, which will require feeding until they are big enough to eat more substantial food. Until then, they must be fed little amounts of infusoria or other acceptable meals.


What Do I Do With My Betta Eggs?

If you have a betta fish bubble nest with eggs, you can either leave them with the male betta to care for or remove them to hatch and raise the fry yourself.

How do I know if my betta bubble nest has eggs?

You can tell if your betta bubble nest has eggs if you see small white or clear balls within the nest.

Can you see betta eggs in the nest?

Yes, if you see small white or clear balls within the betta bubble nest, those are most likely the eggs.

Does my betta fish have eggs?

It’s impossible to determine if your betta fish has eggs without inspecting the nest or observing their behavior.

What are betta bubble nests made of?

Betta bubble nests are typically made of bubbles, which the male betta fish creates by blowing air through his mouth and coating them with a sticky secretion from his body.


Bubble nests are unique to labyrinth fish like betta fish, and they serve as a way for the fish to create safe and secure environments for their eggs. Bubble nests are created by taking in air bubbles from the surface and then blowing them out one by one using saliva. Maintaining a clean tank, introducing female betta fish, and using decorations that mimic their natural habitat are all ways to encourage betta fish bubble nest building. Once mating is complete, the male betta fish becomes the primary protector of the nest, taking care of the eggs and defending them against predators.